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Mari Smith

Facebook and Marketing Expert

“Queen of Facebook” one of world’s foremost experts on Facebook Marketing, high-end business development coach

Fee range:  $20,500 – $35,000
Travels from: California

Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing and social media. She is a Forbes’ Top Social Media Power Influencer, author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day. Forbes recently described Mari as, “… the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” She is a recognized Facebook Partner; Facebook headhunted and hired Mari to lead the Boost Your Business series of live events across the US. 

Mari is an in-demand speaker, and travels the world to keynote and train at major events. Her digital marketing agency provides professional speaking, training and consulting services on Facebook and Instagram marketing best practices for Fortune 500 companies, brands, SMBs and direct sales organizations. Mari is also an expert webinar and live video broadcast host, and she serves as Brand Ambassador for numerous leading global companies.

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

Messenger Marketing including chatbots

Social Media Marketing

Video Marketing

Live Streaming Videos – growing through live broadcasts

Content Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Brand Ambassador Partnerships

Thought Leadership
